How do I reinstall my dedicated server?
In this article, we'll guide you through the process of reinstalling the OS on your dedicated server using DCImanager.
First, log in to your account at

Once logged in, select the server you want to reinstall from your server list.

In the server's overview, click on the menu button and select "Install OS from a template."

Next, choose the OS you wish to install on your server.

Ensure that the drive layout is set to "Automatically." This option allows the server to determine the optimal drive layout based on its configuration.

Finally, set a root or administrator password. After the installation is complete, you'll use this password to log in to your server.

Server installation can take up to 1 hour.
If you have any questions or if something is unclear, please let us know via a support ticket.
1. Log in to the Control Panel
First, log in to your account at

2. Select Your Server
Once logged in, select the server you want to reinstall from your server list.

3. Choose the OS Installation Option
In the server's overview, click on the menu button and select "Install OS from a template."

4. Select the Operating System
Next, choose the OS you wish to install on your server.

5. Configure the Drive Layout
Ensure that the drive layout is set to "Automatically." This option allows the server to determine the optimal drive layout based on its configuration.

6. Set a Root/Administrator Password
Finally, set a root or administrator password. After the installation is complete, you'll use this password to log in to your server.

Server installation can take up to 1 hour.
If you have any questions or if something is unclear, please let us know via a support ticket.
Updated on: 08/08/2024
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